code: A7318      studiebelasting: 7 sp      periode: sem. 1
naam: Weco. Wiskundige economie 2
internet: homepage, rooster
opleiding/fase: ectrie/d23
voertaal: English
docent(en): prof.dr. S. Goyal
contactpersoon: prof.dr. S. Goyal
secretariaat: E&B
aanmelding: -
  • propedeuse Econometrie
  • minimaal 42 sp van doctoraal-1 en -2 Econometrie tezamen, waaronder verplicht:
    • A7301 - Weco. Basiswerkcollege econometrie
    • A4861 - Wiskundige economie 1
aanbevolen: -
onderwijsvorm: werkcollege
tentamenvorm: mondeling
tentamenperiode: na afspraak
tentameneisen: -
tentamenstof: collegestof + verplichte literatuur


The general aim of this seminar is to get students to see how the concepts and techniques of different subjects - such as micro-economic theory, game theory, mathematics and statistics - are actually used to analyze economic problems. To this end, students read and present research papers from journals and sometimes develop their own models to analyse problems drawn from the selected topics in economics.


For more information please contact instructor.

Required Literature

To be announced.
