code: A7168      studiebelasting: 3 sp      periode: sem. 1
naam: History of economic thought
internet: homepage, rooster
opleiding/fase: econ/d23
voertaal: English
docent(en): dr. R.M. Verburg
contactpersoon: dr. R.M. Verburg
secretariaat: AE/Ie&ba
aanmelding: -
toelatingseisen: -
  • A1103 - Inleiding geschiedenis van het economisch denken
onderwijsvorm: 2 uur participatiecollege per week
tentamenvorm: mondeling, na afspraak
tentamenperiode: n.v.t.
tentameneisen: -
tentamenstof: in overleg


  1. thematic deepening of understanding of varying problem definitions and theoretical views on the basis of relevant contributions of economists at different junctures, to arrive at
  2. insight in the way our thinking about economic phenomena and societal developments are connected.


With the idea that processes of production, exchange and distribution may be understood as a system of interdependent relationships, economics became an object of study in its own right in the eighteenth century. In the course of time, different views have been developed about these interrelations and processes. In this course, we will roam through the history of economic thought on the basis of different topics to explore those different views. We follow how, influenced by societal developments, debate on those topics has progressed through time, reflecting changes in problem definitions and theoretical views.

Required Literature
