code: A4307      studiebelasting: 3 sp      periode: sem. 2
naam: Maritime economics and international transport 2
internet: rooster
opleiding/fase: econ/d23/profiel
voertaal: English
docent(en): mw. drs. C.N. Cheung Tam He, prof.dr. H. Haralambides, drs. S.D. Tsolakis
contactpersoon: prof.dr. H. Haralambides
secretariaat: RHV/MarEc
aanmelding: bij het secretariaat RHV/Vervoer
toelatingseisen: -
aanbevolen: -
onderwijsvorm: hoorcollege, 2 uur per week
tentamenvorm: schriftelijk
tentamenperiode: mei/juni, augustus (herkansing)
tentameneisen: -
tentamenstof: hoorcollegestof + verplichte literatuur


The course constitutes a balanced mix between theory and practice and is concerned with the application of the tools of modern economic theory, both at the 'micro' and 'macro' level, to the international transport and port industries.


The course delves in greater depth on the subjects addressed in A4306 - Maritime economics and international transport 1 while new subjects, at an advanced level, are introduced in the fields of investment appraisal and risk management in shipping and ports (micro level) and international transport and policy issues (macro level) with particular emphasis on the policies of the European Union.

Required Literature

Recommended reading lists and special handouts are distributed during the course.
