code: A4306      studiebelasting: 3 sp      periode: sem. 1
naam: Maritime economics and international transport 1
internet: rooster
opleiding/fase: econ/d23/profiel, ectrie/d23/major
voertaal: English
docent(en): mw. drs. C.N. Cheung Tam He, prof.dr. H. Haralambides, drs. S.D. Tsolakis
contactpersoon: prof.dr. H. Haralambides
secretariaat: RHV/MarEc
aanmelding: bij het secretariaat RHV
toelatingseisen: -
aanbevolen: -
onderwijsvorm: hoorcollege, 2 uur per week
tentamenvorm: schriftelijk
tentamenperiode: december/januari, augustus (herkansing)
tentameneisen: -
tentamenstof: hoorcollegestof + verplichte literatuur


The course constitutes a balanced mix between theory and practice and is concerned with the application of the tools of modern economic theory, both at the 'micro' and 'macro' level, to the international transport and port industries.


The course starts with the analysis of current developments in international trade, commodity flows, the spatial changes in manufacturing activities and the dynamic effect of regional integration. The intention here is to bring out the importance of these developments for the international transport and port sectors and to define, highlight and identify the inter-linkage between transport and trade.

The operations of the international transport industry are addressed next, and the different freight markets are analysed in terms of demand, supply and pricing. Current developments in international transport networks and multimodal, door-to-door transport systems are included in this part. From a national perspective, the spin-off effect of the international transport and port industries are examined with regard to their contribution to a country's balance of payments, generation of direct and indirect employment, fiscal revenues and the stimulation of transport-related activities.

Required Literature

Recommended reading lists and special handouts are distributed during the course.
