code: A7164      studiebelasting: 9 sp      periode: sem. 2
naam: Weco. Macroeconomic policy: an international perspective
internet: homepage, rooster
opleiding/fase: econ/d23/profiel
voertaal: English
docent(en): dr. A.J. Dur
contactpersoon: dr. A.J. Dur
secretariaat: AE/Macro
aanmelding: bij Studenten Informatiecentrum, vóór 1 december
  • propedeuse Economie behaald
  • minimaal 27 sp uit het doctoraal-1 Economie dienen te zijn behaald (cijfers 5,5 en hoger)
  • A7360 - Methoden en technieken
    Met nadruk wordt er op gewezen dat voor deelname aan de werkcolleges het vak Methoden en technieken in principe dient te zijn gevolgd. De kennis en vaardigheden die in dit vak aan de orde komen, worden in de werkcolleges bekend verondersteld. Dat betekent dat bij praktijkonderzoeken, werkstukken en dergelijke in het kader van de werkcolleges de beoordelingsnorm daar ook vanuit gaat.
  • AFB01 - Communicatieve vaardigheden
onderwijsvorm: werkcollege
tentamenvorm: assesment on the basis of exam, presentation and term paper
tentamenperiode: mei/juni
tentameneisen: -
tentamenstof: -


To obtain analytical insight into macroeconomic policy issues.


In recent decades, the focus of macro-economic policy has shifted from short-term stabilization to overall economic performance and its background.
Macro-economic policy analysis has become much more ambitious. It tries to answer questions like: why do key indicators like growth rates, inflation rates, unemployment, government debt and government size differ from country to country and from period to period. Which developments can be attributed to market forces, which to politics? How do international developments affect national economies? Many of the answers to those questions in the recent literature highlight the crucial role of the institutions that govern the behaviour of governments and market parties. The present semester focuses on a number of key issues in macro-economic policy. Among others:
the positive and normative economics of government debt, the determinants of economic growth, and the relation between political and labour market institutions, and income inequality and unemployment. Both theory and practice get attention. Students are expected to play an active role as speakers, discussants and writers of research papers, in all cases intensively coached.

Required Literature

Reader with articles from academic journals. Articles discussed during the lectures are rarely more than a few years old.
