code: A2437      studiebelasting: 9 sp      periode: niet in 2001/2002
naam: Weco. Organisation & Performance
internet: homepage, rooster
opleiding/fase: econ/d23/profiel
voertaal: English
docent(en): A. van der Wiele
contactpersoon: A. van der Wiele
secretariaat: M&O/Org
aanmelding: bij Studenten Informatiecentrum, vóór 1 augustus
  • propedeuse Economie behaald
  • minimaal 27 sp uit het doctoraal-1 Economie dienen te zijn behaald (cijfers 5,5 en hoger), inclusief A2430 - Organisatie 1
  • A7360 - Methoden en technieken
    Met nadruk wordt er op gewezen dat voor deelname aan de werkcolleges het vak Methoden en technieken in principe dient te zijn gevolgd. De kennis en vaardigheden die in dit vak aan de orde komen, worden in de werkcolleges bekend verondersteld. Dat betekent dat bij praktijkonderzoeken, werkstukken en dergelijke in het kader van de werkcolleges de beoordelingsnorm daar ook vanuit gaat.
  • AFB01 - Communicatieve vaardigheden
onderwijsvorm: seminar course, teamwork, participation.
tentamenvorm: -
tentamenperiode: n.v.t.
tentameneisen: -
tentamenstof: papers, assignment, participation. No formal exam.



The seminar course 'Organisation & Performance' focus on organisational performance improvement in various ways. Some of the issues that can be included in the course are:

Organisation & Performance can be positioned within three paradigms:

  1. Total Quality Management/Business Excellence
    Core principles are: customer orientation, continuous improvement, process control, management by facts and people involvement. TQM/BE has at least two main streams, one is the system approach and the other the culture approach.
  2. Human Resources Management
    How to manage people in a way that the organisational objectives are supported and organisational performance is maximised? People have become the most important asset in organisations. How to manage the objectives of the organisation in parallel with the objectives of people?
  3. Management Control
    Which performance indicators are important in monitoring and controlling the activities necessary to reach the overall organisational objectives? What type of control should be stimulated, for example based on the four levers of control of  Simons?

This seminar course involves a session every week and a teamproject. The sessions are used to discuss various aspects and themes in the area of Organisation & Performance and to work on various skills (discussion; chair the session; presentation, etc.). Teams are made responsible for sessions. The teamproject involves interviews in a company that is linked to the seminar course. Each team will adopt one specific company. 

Required Literature
